Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hello Kitty Wedding Dress?

A friend of mine asked me if had started looking at wedding dresses yet...Yes...and no. And then I came across this...found here.

Now I love me some Hello Kitty, but even I think this is a bit extreme....And I am a lover of all things tacky fabulous.
What do you think?
Be sure to check out the link above. If you can believe it, there are others. :)


  1. Ummm...yeah, those are a bit much! I LOVE HK too and i'm a fan of over-the-top feathers, glitter, and glitz, but...as a wedding dress HK is even too much for me :) do you watch "say YES to the dress"? i love that show but some of those moms scare me and I hope I NEVER act like that when/if my daughter gets married.

  2. "tacky fabulous" oh how i LOVE that term!!!!!

  3. Ha, yes! I love Say Yes to the Dress! Agreed-some of those moms/families/even future husbands are crazy.

  4. They say there is a buyer for every house, do you think that is true of dresses? I mean if someone is making these, does that mean someone is buying ...and...gulp...wearing them? It would definitely make for an unforgettable wedding!

  5. I am thinking the pink one for you. I LOVE IT. Did you check out the Disney ones? They are fabulous too, and not super expensive, I think they were anywhere from 500-1000 bucks. K.

  6. Oh my gosh! Do you think people actually wear them as wedding dresses, or do you think they're used for Cosplay and dances at anime conventions?
